This week ended on days of fun. After being sick on Monday my mom was a little weary to take me out. Luckily on Wednesday my aunt Diana called and said she was at Belleview Park and that we should come and join her. My mom agreed so away we went.
I started by playing in the stream. I love water and can't seem to get enough of it. I was having a blast in it until I tried to walk up a little waterfall that was covered in Algae. Down I went and up I came covered in green gunk and sopping wet.
Next we headed over to ride the train. Lately I get very excited when I see a train and love to say "choo choo".
Notice the awesome pink swim diaper I'm rockin'. What can I say my mom shops at garage sales and can't always choose the color the diapers are. I don't care cause pink it currently my favorite color. I still wear my awesome pink crocs (as seen below) all the time.

After that it was off to the petting zoo. We saw cows, chickens, a pig, goat, ducks, and sheep -which were my favorite animal to pet.
Yesterday Grandpa Hendrickson and mom took to see the Rockies take on the Mets. I still love baseball and get excited every time I see the stadium. This last week of so I've started walking around the house cheering for the Rockies. Mom really needs to get a video of it cause it's super cute.
I talked my mom into letting me have purple hair for the game. I think it turned out awesome!! Everyone at the game thought it was super cute.