After breakfast mommy let me have another cupcake and run around outside in my birthday suit. I took full advantage and waved to all the neighbors that drove by and decided to poop in the yard before mommy could put a diaper back on me.
Mommy made me take a nap which was probably good. I was sneaky though and didn't go to sleep for a while. Instead I sat in my crib and read some books. My favorite is 10 Little Ladybugs.
After lunch mommy let me drive to the park in my awesome wheels. I love the park by my house cause it has a slide I can go down all by myself. Today I was really interested in making sure all the wood chips still had some flavor to them.
When we got home I decided to help mommy plant her flower bulbs so we can have flowers in the spring.
Finally Daddy came home from work and we got to go out for my birthday dinner. I chose Red Robin because they sent me a coupon for a free meal plus I LOVE their fries. Who needs a hamburger when you can have fries. Plus they gave me a free birthday sundae which I ate almost all of by myself.
Mommy and Daddy made me wear these stupid ears. I didn't really like them and took them off almost as soon and they put them on.
After Dinner I drove us all home.
I was so tired after dinner I went right to sleep. I had a great day!!! This birthday thing is pretty awesome.