Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Goodbye Mr. Toothless

I gave Mommy a special Mother's Day gift. I decided I was done being cute toothless and cut my first tooth. Mommy first noticed it on Sunday May 11th - Mother's Day!! She said luckily she discovered it with her finger and not by nursing. Daddy and me were hoping she wouldn't figure it out until she was giving me a snack. I was really looking forward to spreading the good news with a big bite.
Mommy is sad to see my toothless grin bite the dust. My tooth is only poking though a little so I'm still toothless but I don't think it will be for long. Mommy celebrated my new tooth with me all night long. I decided it was time to really test my mommy and she how many times I could wake her up before she cracked. I played a game with her and would wait until she was just drifting off to sleep to scream that I wanted her again. She was a pretty good sport and played all night with me. I was hoping to get Daddy in on the game too but he slept right though everything. Maybe tonight he'll play with me.

1 comment:

Russell Family said...

Oh, boy! The teething game. We're starting on another round-red cheeks, diarrhea...screaming...ugh. Bless you, LA for waking up with him! We gave Alec some infants' tylenol before bed and it seemed to help somewhat.

Joseph is SO cute! What a sweet little face!!