Thursday, April 23, 2009

A night of freedom

Joseph is having a slumber party at Grandma & Grandpa Hendrickson's house tonight. He went over to play while Jared and I went and saw "The Proposal". Afterwards I called to see if my parents wanted to keep him since it was bedtime and my dad is coming up tomorrow morning to go to the garage sales with me. (Insert big cheer from me and big groan from Jared). Much to my surprise they said "yes!!" Not that Joseph is usually any problem at night. Joseph has been a super great sleeper almost since birth and goes down without a fuss. Most night we put his pj's on, say prayers, give him a cup of milk and say good night. It takes a grand total of maybe 3 minutes. Slackers we know but I prefer to have a child that can put himself to sleep. I'm sure our next one will not be so easy.
Did I mention that Joseph has been getting his own meals lately as well. It's not even because I'm a lazy mom although I probably am. Joseph is still in his picky "I like food one day and the next day I hate the same exact food" stage. I've found that if I give him food he won't eat it but if he get it himself he'll eat. His favorite this week has been Frosted Mini Wheats and Captain Crunch. He has started eating bananas but only if you leave the peel on and let him pull it himself. I have no idea where he gets his independence from. :) Ok he totally gets it from me.
I liked to say we did great things while being childless but sadly nothing is really different. Jared went to bed not long after we got home cause he has another job interview in the morning. A huge thanks to Reid Allred for the tip on the job. While I'm wasting time reading others blogs and staying up later than I planned.
As for "The Proposal" the movie was the standard chick flick and was cute. Not something I would recommend paying full price to see but a good discount theater or DVD movie. Although much of the movie takes place in Alaska during the summer and it was looking beautiful. I won't mind visiting the lovely state during the season of continuous sun. I don't think I could be paid enough to go to Alaska in the winter but bring on the summer anytime.
Anyway I had to add some cute picture of Joseph swimming at the rec center cause a blog entry is not complete without pictures of the cutie pie

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Snowed in Again!!!

Once again we got snowed-in in April!! We had such a great winter until we hit "spring". We stayed inside drinking cocoa, playing ball and watching movies.

I was upstairs on the computer when I heard a crash. This is what I found:

Joseph somehow managed to not get a drop of cocoa on himself and even tried to clean it up. How can you be mad at such a cute face.

Saturday afternoon I decided it was time to shovel the driveway again. Joseph wanted to put all his gear on and come outside. The problem is he hates snow and refuses to even stand in it. This is pretty much what his face looked like the whole time he was outside. Which if you don't count the time he spend sitting in the car was about 5 minutes. Maybe next year he'll like the white stuff a little better.

Here's Joseph helping to shovel. This is as far out of the garage he got with the shovel.

Joseph at the end of our driveway. The plow truck was kind enough to plow the road but left a huge snow bank at the end of our driveway.

Today the weather was awesome!! Crazy the difference a day makes.

Joseph finally found something he liked about snow.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Great Movie Quote Rip-Off

Saw this on some other blog- they posted movie quotes and there was a prize to whoever got the most. We did surprisingly poor at it, so we decided to make our own list. Bonus points if you can name the character

1. "I guess you weren't ready for that...but your kids are gonna love it."
2. "The next time someone asks if you're a God you say YES!"
3. "We can go for a long walk and you can keees me on the Verandah. "The lips is fine."
4. "Ah...but you have heard of me"
5. "Good Morning America is here..."
6. "Release the Prisoners"
7. "Why don't you get out of my Van Halen T-shirt before you jinx the band and they break up!"
8. "Why you wanna marry me anyway? So I can kiss you anytime I want"
9. "This is Bob Genghis Khan, Maxine of Ark, Dave Beethoven, Socrates Johnson, Herman the Kid, Sigmund Frood...and uh...Abraham Lincoln"
10. "50 Dolla Bill!"
11. "This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
12. "Fortune and Glory kid, Fortune and Glory"
13. "Put Ze Candle Back"
14. "We are number one- everyone else is number 2 or lower"
15. "Oh..sorry nobody hipped me to that dude"
16. "Hey, you wanna see something really scary?"
17. "Hey dad...wanna have a catch?"
19. "We're looking for his son harpo..."
20. "Your mom goes to College"
21. "There's no crying in baseball!"
22. "De Profundus te Domine"
23. "If you're good at something, never do it for free"
24. "Name any movie...Ok, how bout jaws?..."That was a great movie"
25. "Slimy yet satisfying."

Win a fabulous prize if you can get all 25!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Opening Day!!!!

One of the few existing shots of Joseph with his hat on...
Joseph loves hot dogs as you can tell by the look on his face!

Where all those soldiers are standing is the dimensions of the flag!

Hope it Comes off?.... dogs....
Let the year begin! That's right I know technically the new year started in January but around the Buck house the year doesn't start until early April. In this case April 10- the Rockies Home opener. If you have never been to Coors Field to see a game, get on travelocity right now and get tickets- it's the best place in the world to watch a game. Anyway, opening day is the best game of the year (playoffs aside of course) and its hard to get tickets. The city is jumping, there is a festival atmosphere, the air force does fly bys and theres fireworks. Plus there is baseball! So this year we went cuz my dad got us tickets. We went early to enjoy the festival atmosphere. Tons of free stuff, lots to eat, and best of all its all free (except the game itself.) Leigh Anna even went a little crazy and got a tattoo.
Jared takes a few swings in the free batting cages

We got free energy drinks, a free foam baseball, free magazine, free sweat band, free autographed Bob Boone baseball, free rally towell, and free batting cage swings. I even won a beanbag toss game! It was fun, and they hadn't even thrown the first pitch yet.
Father and Son...
Eventually we made our way into the stadium which was filled to the brim, the one game a year that sells out (playoffs aside.) They pulled out a huge flag that was the size of the whole outfield and then 4 F-16s did a flyby. Later the pilots of those planes came and got the biggest cheers of the game. Best of all the Rockies killed the Phillies, the Buck's second-most hated baseball team (Sorry to all you Bostonians, you're number 1). 10-3 was the final score. It was great! Even the weather held up. Welcome back baseball!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I knew it would happen

This is what Joseph looked like when he went to bed (Yes Joesph sleeps with slippers on, Jared's dad would be so proud...or appalled as he has a strict no socks to bed rule. He's even been known to do a "sock check" in the middle of the night.)

This is what I found this morning when I got him up. Luckily his diaper was still on. (he's taken his diaper off before)

Next up getting out of the crib by himself. Any guesses on how long til that happens

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Insult to Decency...and an Outrage!

So due to economic circumstances we had to get rid of cable and decided rather than buy a converter box we'd just go down to basic (and I mean basic) cable. Which means we now get like 5 random channels including golf, and the Speed network. No HGTV or ESPN or, especially, no Fox Sports Rocky Mountain. I'm cool with this decision but because we only get like 5 random channels one of them is VH-1. So we get suckered into watching one of those countdown shows- this time the top 100 80's 1 hit wonders. Several of them are already on my playlist. Here is the link to the list:

So we start watching at about 50 and the countdown goes on and I'm wondering what will be #1. They pass "Frankie goes to Hollywood" "867-5309/Jenny" and "Twisted Sister." So then I realize with only like 3 or 4 slots to go it's obvious. The #1 80's 1 hit wonder has to be, HAS TO BE, A Flock of Seagulls "I Ran." So they get to the top 3. then the top 2...and Flcok of Seagulls is Number 2!!! I can't beleive it! There's no way. They are the pinnacle of 80's 1 hit wonders. They are the 80s. I am outraged at this point. So of course I have to wait through a commercial break to find out number one but it's not pretty. "Come on Eileen" What?!!!!!!!!! There is no way. I'm not saying Come on Eileen isn't a 1 hit wonder, but come on! More than Flock of Seagulls?!! Yeah right! I know these shows are designed to promote conversation but come on. Anyway, I have included the songs at the bottom of the playlist to let the people decide for themselves.

Also Adventureland Update. The room is progressing. I have acquired several artifacts. Blockbuster gave me a FREE, yeah that's right FREE Indiana Jones sign. I have picked out some color swatches. And I have built the centerpiece to the room. Tell me what you think! (As if anyone cares what I do to my guest room, but you will if you ever have to stay in it!) I am in love with the idol (See Exodus 20 I guess) but I am excited to have the room progress. I intend to finish the idol stand (need some craft moss) and put some dart shooters on the walls, need more plants and need to install my IKEA torch lights. But trust me when it's finished, you'll want to see it.