Saturday, February 9, 2008

Oh to be engaged

So I was trying to organize our pictures so I could update our blog when I came across these beauties. My little brother Carl currently in the "engagement fog." You remember those days when you ignore all your friends and family and only lived for one person. For Carl that is (romantic sigh) Stephanie. It's late and Jared and I are in the "it's so late, we're tired and should be sleeping" mood. I showed Jared and he laughed so hard he was crying and might have pee'd a little in his pants. Plus he's now lost his voice. Plus he says "the wedding and every other wedding are essentially ruined for me. I know I'm going to be sitting in the temple and the urge to laugh might will become unsupressable." Anyway enjoy and Carl and Stephanie we are sorry if you are mad but since you don't know anyone else besides each other exists you probably won't even see this. We promise these pictures have not been changed or altered in any way by us.

We're not sure when they went to Japan to take this picture but it's great

There were more pic, but Carl took them off.

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