Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Price is Right

When I was little my favorite show was "The Price is Right" I would watch it faithfully every morning and truly missed it once I started first grade and couldn't watch it anymore. I wanted desperately to be a contestant and would try to memorize all the prices of things at the store so I could win one day.

I still watch the show sometimes but it's just not the same without Bob. Plus I now understand the taxes that are involved with winning thus making it seems not as great. However I would take this guys winning streak any day.

A Very Lucky Day - Watch more Free Videos

1 comment:

Chadlee said...

OMG, I loved the Price is Right when I was that age, too. I remember being so excited to watch it on days when I was sick and home from school. I've caught it a few times with the new host and it's almost painful to watch. I'm surprised they haven't replaced him yet. You're right, it's just not the same.