Ok so, remember our swell Ebay auction and how I thought I was getting a job? Well it's a false alarm, the guy called me back and said his paralegal had it taken care of and he doesn't need me any more, so I'm back to square one with no job. Once again the cycle continues where I've been having lots of interviews all with the same result- more interviews. So that leads me to the latest interview, working at the Lakewood Crime Lab. Over 300 people applied and out of those 300 people, 13 got invited to the "attention to detail" test, including yours truly. So I took the test and stressed all weekend because I missed one and rather than go back and change it, I did the honest thing and accepted it as wrong. On Monday I got a call back and did "very well" on the test and got invited to a Polygraph and further interview. So yesterday was the polygraph. It's kind of like on Tv in that they put those nodes on your fingers, but there was no nodes on my chest or head, but I did have a blood pressure monitor. The questions are yes or no only, and I got yelled at for answering one beyond yes. "Do some people call you Jared?" "Yes- everyone does." (Yelling)
At the end of the test, the guy went over the "red flag questions," questions that exhibited an abnormal response. This one was a doozy. "In the last 5 years have you ever taken any illegal drugs?" Of course the answer was no. Anyone who knows me would know that. Then the guy proceeded to tell me, sometimes you know maybe your wife had some prescription meds and you had a raging headache so you took one, have you ever done that?" "No," I responded I have never taken an illegal drug. Ever."
So I'm a a little nervous on the results because I have no way to disprove the polygraph on this point other than my purely honest word. I haven't taken drugs, so I don't know where the polygraph is getting that. Plus he kept yelling at me to relax. So in an effort to relax I took some deep, controlled breaths, which promted yelling, "Please don't breathe deeply, just relax." Which is it?!